A Time to Worship

I once heard someone say that “during our life on earth, we are walking each other home into an eternal life and the presence of God.”

During our earthly life and journeys together, may we enter into times of worship which will act as a prelude to a heavenly time of praise and worship, 24/7, that will be pure and majestic.

Psalm 95 reads:

“Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.”

In this website as we have meditated around some devotionals, questions, answers and insights it will be good to take time to worship the Lord in listening to two or three worship songs or hymns around the start and middle of each month.

Consider Two Definitions of Worship

“Where God is at the centre of things, worship inevitably follows. Where there is no spirit of worship, there God has been dethroned and displaced.” Sinclair B Ferguson

William Barclay, a theologian, says:

“The true, the genuine worship is when man (and woman), through his spirit, attains to friendship and intimacy with God. True and genuine worship is not to come to a certain place; it is not to go through a certain ritual or liturgy; it is not even to bring certain gifts. True worship is when the spirit, the immortal and invisible part of man (and woman), speaks to and meets with God, who is immortal and invisible.”

Ecclesiastical and Classical Worship

There are definite times when we feel stuck, confused and do not know what to do. This beautiful hymn Lead, Kindly Light by Arundel Cathedral Choir reminds us how God can guide direct us each and everyday.

John Henry Newton wrote the hymn in 1833 which reflected his illness while travelling in Italy. As a result of his difficulties he first wrote a poem ‘The Pillar of Cloud’ that became the basis for the hymn.


How wonderful to know and experience the personal presence of God in the everyday and times of special need.

Thank you Lara Martin for leading us in a Time of Worship God is Here.


It is good to acknowledge the goodness and mercy of God. It is also of value to share that in our own natural way with all we live and work with.

Thank you Chris Tomlin for reminding us of the greatness of God Always.

A Blessing from Numbers 6

“The Lord bless you
    and keep you;
 the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.”

Also listen to John Rutter’s and the Cambridge Singers’ beautiful rendition of it.

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