An Insight from the Bible – All Things Considered

Recently when reading Romans 4 in the Jerusalem Bible I was intrigued by the phrase ‘considered’ and have enlarged it to be our theme for this Insight – All Things Considered’.

Thanks Alena

If we are applying for a job, a loan or are being assessed for good or bad behaviour the person in front of us, having weighed everything up might conclude, all things considered and then go on to give a good or bad assessment from our own point of view!

In certain treaties and encounters when people gather together, individuals are often announced by their titles reflecting a particular relationship between those in the meeting such as Sir and Madame.

In Genesis 17: v 1-3, we find a meeting taking place between El Shaddai and Abram who is asked to walk before El Shaddai in a blameless state that represented a special covenant relationship formed between a creator God and his created.

God wants to cement a full and not a half-hearted relationship with us that overflows with love and his full blessing.

At this point we may ask what’s in a name!

Names over the centuries have important meanings and significances. In having a name it forms part of our identity, character and personality. Below is a picture of a plaque that has many names inscribed upon it full of history and placement. Thanks

When we are called by our names we are affirmed and respond accordingly to the one speaking our name. In certain places we visit we may find that we are counted in and I’m sure we may be often referred to by our personal names and offered a warm welcome.

It is not a nice feeling when people see us but do not speak our names or give any reference and value to us. How many people within society feel ignored and rejected!

So we all have different names and some the same as our forebears as a mark of respect, value and memory. God has a number of names that represent encounters with his creation and aspects of his character.

Here El Shaddai means ‘God Almighty’ or in some other renderings ‘God Who is Sufficient’ and ‘I am the Strong God’. Also the name has been seen as ‘God being compared to a Mountain or Rock’.

Overall El Shaddai may be understood as one who is mighty compared to the fragility of human kind. We also find that it is one of the favourite titles for God used in the book of Job.

All Things Considered – The names, descriptions and titles of God in the Old Testament can be classified generally in three ways with El, Ya or Ja meaning God.

Firstly, Elohim is the one Supreme Deity.

Secondly, Elyon is the Most-High God.

Thirdly, Yahweh is a very personal and sacred Hebrew reference that is not spoken out loud but means and is used as Lord or Jehovah.

Strictly speaking Yahweh is the only name of God who is known as the God of the Patriarchs – Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

To the Hebrew community a name was not just a label, it had significance and represented the personality of the person to whom it belonged. From birth to when we are able to sign our name to something it has weight, power, wealth and impact.

So let’s move on to an important place at the start of Jesus’s earthly ministry at Caesarea Philippi as found in Mark 8 and from verse 27 we read about the confession of Peter and his views about the future ministry of Jesus.

Within many church’s we may find a real sense of the presence of Almighty God

Jesus said to Peter who do people say that I am? Peter replied John the Baptist, Elijah, one of the Prophets. Jesus got personal with Peter, who do you say I am? Now that’s a very challenging conversation to have with El Shaddai at any time.

In your home, work place and community who do people say he is? Then we are asked who do we say he is? Peter emphatically replied “You are the Christ”.

Jesus went on to teach the people that he was known as the Son of Man (a son of Adam and human. One day to be a coming Messiah) and to be rejected by the religious leaders and be killed. Peter could not cope with that shocking news and disputed Jesus’s assessment for his future.

Jesus outlined that in following the will of God we have to die to self and rise a new person. In losing our lives we will gain and in gaining an independent life from God we will lose our life with God.

How often do we hear the voice of the Lord speaking to us? Often we do not like what is being suggested so we say no that cannot happen and shut God down. In this case Jesus recognised that behind the maybe, innocent words of Peter, the devil was seeking to bring confusion and thwart the task that Jesus had to fulfil.

In Romans 4 Paul confirms that El Shaddai and Abram have entered into a Covenant Relationship and he adds a theological assessment of it.

Paul contrasts then Religious Law, Practice and Personal Faith and how Thinking and Reason affects such a Covenant Relationship. A Christian just needs to obey and follow in simple faith and trust.

In my daily devotions I came across this powerful statement from Charles Spurgeon, a Baptist Minister in London for thirty-eight years that can be applied to all that Paul is trying to teach at this point. “Faith is reason at rest with God”.

Thank you

In the book of Job chapter 38 we find him expressing his confusion about life and faith and felt that he wasn’t getting answers to his questions. God did not answer Job’s questions he just pointed out that his power created and sustained all things and in that context he should be content.

It is far more important to know the personal presence of God Almighty than have certain questions answered and not knowing God personally. Then Job in Chapter 42: 5 concludes “my ears have heard of you but now my eyes have seen you”

Moses in his encounter with the Burning Bush in Exodus 3: 13, saw something very unusual and spectacular but didn’t initially understand it.

He was told that he was in the presence of I am, the God of his father. God said that when people asked who he was, tell them that it is I Am, who I Am (Exodus3:14).

Thanks to

The revelation of God to Moses was personal not just formal by a name, tile or power. I Am Yahweh your God which gives all the people the assurance they need for daily living.

When all things are considered, ‘God Almighty’ does and will take into account what has happened in our past, present and what is to take place in the future.

In faith and with reason we can find peace, rest and purpose in the love, forgiveness and blessing of God. Due to a changed relationship with God. Abram and Sari had their names changed to Abraham (father of many nations) and Sarah.

Often between consistency and change we look at all things considered, when making conclusions. We think we can bargain and negotiate with God and to some degree that is true as we plead for him in prayer to change situations, his mind, bring healing and peace to all.

However, such discussions and plea bargaining’s are only dependent on a personal and living relationship that’s aligns El Shaddai as ‘God Who is Sufficient’ in all situations.

Abram fell prostrate before God in humility and awe recognising the master-servant covenant relationship with El Shaddai. That compares to Adam who in his arrogance only wanted to hide from Yahweh.

So “Faith is reason at rest with God” and names and titles reflect our relationship, purpose and value one to each other.

During this time of Lent let us draw close to God Almighty with all our unanswered questions in confession and with humility.

  • As we look at these young people they will be full of unanswered questions about life.
  • May we be confident with our new name Christian through Jesus as the Son of Man and as Christ our Messiah and Redeemer?
  • May those young people and ourselves find rest and know God’s personal presence within and around us in all our daily lives?

Selah: (Pause to think calmly on what has just been read) and check out A Time to Worship

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